Fourth National Patient Satisfaction Survey - 2024
Since 2015, the National Patient Satisfaction Survey has been shared with bleeding disorder patients every three years as a way to understand patient satisfaction with their HTC and the care they received. This gives patients the opportunity to share their feedback with their HTC in an anonymous way and allows HTCs to gauge what they are doing right, and what they can do to improve. The fourth National Patient Satisfaction Survey was administered in early 2024 asking patients about the care they received in 2023.
Results from this survey have been compiled and sent to each of the HTCs that participated. Over 5370 people participated in the latest survey with 95% of respondents sharing that they were always or usually satisfied with their care. The survey was sent out to patients by 92% of HTCs in the United States. The survey asked about care received generally, care from specific staff members, as well as the processes and services offered. Several questions asked about barriers to care, and the survey allowed patients to give direct feedback. We thank all who participated!